Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Steaming Pile of ....Earth

There are a few other descriptives you can add after the first four letters of this entries title, some savory others not so. Today's topic is about one that can truly make a great impact on our lives in terms of recycling, re-using, garbage elimination and for me satisfaction and that is composting. This has got to be one of the most easiest things in the world to do if you live in a home and have a little bit of yard, (and even if you dont, check this gadget out, http://www.gardeners.com/Kitchen-Scrap-Composter/37-711,default,pd.html?SC=XNET8419).

Doesn't it just make you crazy when you have to go the store and buy a bag of dirt, I mean come on, dirt. OK, maybe if you need a truckload, but for most uses, like filling flower pots or making a garden, you can easily save money, have fun and feel satisfied that you are doing something positive for the environment by making your own.

We all have leaves, grass clippings, green organic stuff from our yards, that we can throw in a pile or bin, turn occasionally and turn back into good old fashion enriched soil. But did you know that kitchen scraps can make a great addition to any compost pile. So instead of throwing away your organic scraps, excluding meat, put them in a bowl or buy yourself a fancy decorative container. When full, dump on your pile or in a backyard composter, throw a couple of leaves or other organic matter on top and let it cook you up some dirt. If you keep the scraps covered it wont smell or attract animals. Keep repeating this process and by the end of year or next spring, you will have some of best base for a garden money can buy.

One of the positive outcomes of behavior like this, coupled with a townwide recycling plan, is that it takes more items out of the trash pile, our landfills and incinerators. In addition, it is a great example of completing the cycle of use and re-use and returning things back to the earth in their natural state.

There is a ton of places to read about composting on the web or at your regional land cooperative and more places to buy accessories than you can shake a stick at, so do some browsing and start a steaming pile of glorious earth on your own...Now.